Rubik's Cube 7x7x7 Solution Pdf Download LINK
How to Solve a 7x7x7 Rubik's Cube
A 7x7x7 Rubik's cube is a twisty puzzle with 49 stickers on each face. It is one of the largest and most challenging cubes available. Solving a 7x7x7 cube requires patience, skill and a good understanding of the basic 3x3x3 cube principles. In this article, we will explain how to solve a 7x7x7 cube step by step, using some simple algorithms and techniques.
The general strategy for solving a 7x7x7 cube is to reduce it to a 3x3x3 cube by solving the centers and pairing up the edges. Then, we can use the standard 3x3x3 methods to finish the cube. Here are the main steps:
Solve the centers. There are six centers on each face of the cube, each consisting of 25 stickers. We need to arrange them so that each center has only one color. We can use some basic moves to move the center pieces around without disturbing the others.
Pair up the edges. There are 12 edges on each layer of the cube, each consisting of three stickers. We need to pair them up so that each edge has only one color. We can use some special algorithms to swap and flip the edge pieces without affecting the centers.
Solve the 3x3x3 cube. Once we have reduced the cube to a 3x3x3 cube, we can use any method we like to solve it. For example, we can use the beginner's method, which involves solving the cross, corners, middle layer, last layer cross, last layer corners and last layer edges.
If you want to learn more details about each step, you can download a PDF guide from here [^3^], or watch a video tutorial from here.
Happy cubing!How to Solve the Centers of a 7x7x7 Cube
The first step of solving a 7x7x7 cube is to solve the centers. There are six centers on each face of the cube, each consisting of 25 stickers. We need to arrange them so that each center has only one color. We can use some basic moves to move the center pieces around without disturbing the others.
The easiest way to solve the centers is to start with the top and bottom centers, and then do the four side centers. Here are some tips for each center:
For the top and bottom centers, we can use any face as a working area to build rows of five stickers of the same color. Then, we can move them to the top or bottom layer using wide turns. We can also use slice moves to swap pieces between layers.
For the side centers, we can use a similar method, but we need to be careful not to mess up the already solved centers. We can use wide turns and slice moves to build rows of three stickers of the same color on the side faces, and then move them to their correct positions.
For the innermost corners of the side centers, we can use a simple algorithm to swap them: V' F' 3L' F V F' 3L F. This swaps the UFL and UFR innermost corners.
For the innermost centers of the side centers, we can use another algorithm to swap them: V' F' 2L' F V F' 2L F. This swaps the UL and UR innermost centers.
For the inner corners of the side centers, we can use a similar algorithm to swap them: V' F' L' F V F' L F. This swaps the UFL and UFR inner corners.
For the inner center wings of the side centers, we can use two algorithms to swap them: 3L' F' 2L' F 3L F' 2L and 3R' F 2R' F' 3R F 2R. These swap two pairs of inner center wings on opposite sides.
By following these steps, we should be able to solve all six centers of the cube. If you want to see some examples and demonstrations, you can watch a video tutorial from here [^2^] or here [^3^]. 061ffe29dd